Monday, September 21, 2009

"Portraits of 100 Strangers" 2 of 100

This weeks portrait is actually through a contact that I had made last week. As I was out on my daily walk around the square in Murfreesboro, trying to find my next subject for this project I spied a sofa in one of the local shops. This thing just reached out and grabbed me. It was avocado green with white star bursts. How 70's Retro! I loved it and absolutely had to have it in a photograph.

Without hesitation I ran into the salon and asked for the owner. The receptionist told me that she was in a meeting and asked if she could be of assistance.
Well maybe, I'm out in the field working on this project. I then proceeded to let her in on what I was doing. Talk about a strange look from a stranger. The look that I received from her was, "BOY YOU GOT SOME BALLS". Just going around asking people that you don't know if you can take their picture. The receptionist said that she would give her manager the message.
I didn't have time to waste waiting around for the manager to get out of a meeting. Who knows how long that meeting was going to last. Instead I told the receptionist that I would be here on the block for a while today and that she could call me on my cell if she was interested in helping me out.
Back out the door I went. I continued to scout the streets downtown for another prospect for about another hour. Not having any luck I decided to pack it up and head home. "forget it the salon owner isn't going to call me back".
A couple of days had passed and I had forgotten all about asking the salon owner to call me on my cell. Wednesday afternoon my phone rang. I assured and low and behold it was the owner of the salon with that Beautiful Retro green couch. I briefly filled her in on what I was doing and before I could even finish she said sure come on down and we can shoot. We set the date for Monday September,22.
Monday morning had arrived and I was so ready for this shoot. I called Valery the store owner to confirm. She said that she wasn't dressed for taking photos today and didn't want to participate. Oh well I thought to myself, another one down.
However I do have my little 15 month old with me and you would be more that welcome to come and do a shoot with him. Wow I thought!! OK I'm on my way.

I used a process on the image above called loom. It simulates the effects of a lomo camera. For those of you that don't know what a lomo camera is, Its a very inexpensive Russian made camera. The poor quality lens of the camera actually causes vingetting around the frame of its photos. It also causes very high color saturation and blown out whites. I thought that this process that very fitting with the old green couch.

Lighting: 2 Vivitar 285hv's bounced out of a reflective ubrella left of camera. Big bay window on right for some fill. It was a cloudy day out so the light coming in from the window was nice and soft.


  1. What an adorable child! nice pick on the sofa, it's dreamy, and caputures the innocence you were going for

  2. Mama2Monkeys thanks for the comment. Very much appreciated.

  3. Thanks so much for the comment on my blog. What an interesting project you're working on!

    Good luck on your journey and I look forward to following your blog as well.

    ~Jenn (Ex Hot Girl)

  4. Thank you so much Jenn. What a wnoderful photographer you are!
